Saturday, 8 October 2011

Day 12; Evening

Well we cycled 68 miles from Oakhampton to a set of services on the A30 known as three borrows.

The road is the main trunk road from the M5 to Penzance etc. So it is a fast road along which for a majority of the length appears to have hedge rows planted along side obscuring the views.

But looking at the map any alternative route would add another day. The weather for the most part was dry though around lunch we had a spell of rain and drizzle as we did after four as we neared the end.

For me I had a total of 5 punters 3 in the first 24 miles. The first was a slash through the Kevlar tread and into the inner tube. Whilst we carry on us spare inner tubes we had to wait for a spare tyre to be delivered. The remaining four were all double punctures often referred to as a 'snake bite' due to the resemblance of a bite by the fangs of a snake. Not sure what caused them as these type of punctures are cause by hitting some thing. The different locations rules out a lose spoke or similar. Normally I would through them out but another team member also had a double puncture so spare new inner tubes are at a premium. Two out of three repairs appear to have worked.

So it was an emotional day for one reason or another, like the A30 full of ups and downs but we got there.

Hearing about the below performance of the two English squads didn't help either!

Currently in my room dealing with admin. No dongle reception so unable to upload any ride stats. I can hear the wind blowing outside and see rain on the window; hope it clears up for the remaining 30 miles. Riding a bike the last few days hasn't been as enjoyable as it normally is, several members have commented it has almost become a job....

Chat tomorrow


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