Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Day 9; Morning

Morning world. It is now around 0645 as I wait for breakfast this morning; and my stomach is rumbling!

Sorry for not making much of a post last night but my Internet dongle was very slow.

A fair amount of trepidation to today's ride. The weather forecast isn't great showers and yet more blustery head winds to fight. The last twenty miles yesterday was hard going. The puncture issue that Chet had didn't help especially when we were so close.

Also my saddle problem isn't helping me, I cannot get comfortable onit ESP as the day progresses.

Need a new saddle on my return, but is making me uncomfortable at best! So today's route will take us down to Hereford along the A49 and then Momouth Chepstow and the old Severn bridge crossing into England and the south east. Due to poor Internet speed I have not looked at the elevation or distance.

Wonder if Clare mentioned to her Uncle that I will be riding close to them today?

Team spirits still seem high lots of banter still as well as assistance to technical issues such as the puncture yesterday, need to replenish my spare tubes on the ride from my red bag.

Yet another lovely RAF mess and the food last night was good hope breakfast is too.

Well time to collect my stuff and head up to reception and then the dining room.

Have a great day and see you later please keep those comments coming

I will admit I prefer those mornings were we ride out of the accommodation. Firstly admin is easier just to load the bike with water bottles etc. But more importantly we have more riding time to complete the distance so less of a rush. It isn't the speed as such but seems more relaxed and so more enjoyable.whilst this is a challenge so will at times be hard work mentally and physically, it is also about enjoyment in carrying out the challenge and of course suceeding!

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